If you are looking to improve the aesthetic value of your home or property, Landscaping is the greatest thing you can do. It can also be an extremely expensive undertaking; you can end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars and only receive a little change to your lawn or garden’s look and layout.

Should you just write off landscaping your property? Loganville, GA landscaping professionals say, “Not necessarily,” because there are affordable ways to enhance your landscape without breaking the bank. You just have to be a bit more creative, and choose your resources carefully.

Here are some tips from the professionals which you can apply to your own project that will help you to develop a frugal landscaping project.

  1. Plant in abundance. Limit the variety of plants you choose for the time being. Pick one or two plants that you can grow in a larger quantity in specific areas of your lawn. Sparse variety has its own beauty, when the plants are healthy and growing well.
  2. Choose plants that will change in color each season, if you are looking for a bit of color. There are also plants, bushes, and shrubs with flowers that bloom different colors and shades. These types of plants can help prevent you from spending a lot of money, while improving the look of your outdoor space on a budget.
  3. Collect rocks rather than buying bricks or border materials, and utilize these to create the edging for your flower beds or for the smaller grassy areas of your landscape. You can even reuse old ceramic plates you have lying around, or even purchased from local garage sales. These make excellent alternatives as border materials for your garden.
  4. Do your family or friends have thriving gardens of their own? Ask them if they would allow you to take cuttings from their plants to grow in your garden. Cuttings from rose bushes are fairly easy to transplant and can save a great deal of money. They will however take a good deal of time to grow, but this is a much more affordable way to add new plants to your lawn.
  5. You can use planter pots. You can avoid digging up, or moving earth to add height to areas of your landscape by utilizing pots as they can add a new dimension due to their height and shape. They also offer a bit of variety with their styling, as you can stack and position them in different ways and even change their appearance to match the look you are going for with your landscape.
  6. Add furniture and accessories to further change the look. Birdbaths, Do-It-Yourself Fountains, Lighting, Tables & Chairs, and other such items can accent your landscape and add the perfect touch to give it new life. Lawn accessories can be found at your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, Flea Markets, and once again from garage sales.

So you see, there are many ways that you can put together an affordable landscape project for your lawn and garden. Of course, if you can afford a little extra, hiring a Loganville, GA Landscaping company can save you a lot of time and effort in accomplishing the same task, with the knowledge of a professional to make sure it turns out right the first time. You can even gather the items mentioned here, and have your local landscape apply them for you.